It's easier to hear an appeal now . . .

I recorded pretty much all the debate on this motion, I will post it later tonight. I put away the camera now, since it wasn't feeding live.

I heard a bunch of very interesting statements during the debate:

-Seamus Wolfe needs to read his constitution
-Many people in support of the motion said they would support a motion to raise the amount of directors to overturn an appeal to 4/5 if it were tabled, we will see about that
-Remember that if they BOA decides to overturn a decision, it is FINAL.
-There was a lot of talk about making mistakes and how the SAC could. Well that is why there is this appeal to the BOA ability. If the SAC made a mistake, then it should not matter if it is 2/3 or 4/5, since if they actually made a mistake, all of the BOA should be on board . . . except if they let their politics gets involved.
-Apparently the motion was introduced before the election. Regardless of that, I agree with Cameron Montgomery to table it until the next meeting (after the hearing). But she voted in favour of it anyway?

More later.

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