Commie Debates

So the fun part of the Conservative AGM is through, so I walked across Morriset Terrace to UCU205 to the Communications Students Association debate.

I arrived late, and I'm not a member so I am just a happy observer.

There's a happy little press section here. Fancy-Dancy

And they seem to love the bear.

Contested Positions

VP Social

Feria Kazemi vs Maggie Mulroney (if she's related to Brian she's got my vote!)

One of the Social candidates asked the other one why her campaign sucked (no classroom presentations, or posters and junk) and if that would continue that way if she become social. She came back with a good answer, about how that wasn't true.

They also love hypothetical questions about stuff getting screwed up and what you would do lol. And then finding out the hypothetical situations actually happened.

I just discovered: and I cannot look away


Logan Ouellette vs Enoch Kwok

Logan thanked the student media! woot!

It seems like two different spins on campaigning, Logan seems to want to continue the good stuff while Enoch wants to rebuild (complaints about failed events).

There were a lot more people at the PIDSSA debates, but then again PIDSSA is much larger :).

Enoch questions Logan's leadership experience, but he comes back with a suitable reply with his experience, even though he hasn't been on an official executive.

Logan asks what Enoch means by "getting back to basics". He talks about treating his volunteers right.

Accessibility is a huge buzz word here. It would make an awesome drinking game!
But on a serious note, apparently CSA had an amazing 101 weeks in regards to accessibility, they said it was the only "fully accessible" 101 week.

Another mention of the student media and how to handle strong criticism, as the representative of the Student Association. We sure can be rough though, it would take a thick skin, or just not making flagrant and idiotic mistakes. I mean, we're all nice people. :)

Q) A domestic policy question, role with the Exec.

Logan: fostering a cohesive team. Not being a dictator, giving everyone a valid voice on the exec.
Enoch: it's a leadership job. The exec have voices and different voices so there will be disagreements and they must be handled professionally. A tad bit of a potty mouth.

Q) Joel gives himself a shoutout indirectly, asks about how CSA execs usually go on to bigger things, and what is the candidates end goal? This position or something bigger.

Enoch: Next year is his final year, so he has no aspiration beyond this job.
Logan: This is not his "end-goal" but he does not have another position in mind. He hearts communication.

Q) How would you use your 1st year rep?
Logan: duh, get them to get 1st year students!
Enoch: That's what they do now and they are still losing 101ers after the week is over! More More More. Says something about getting out there and shaking babies . . . (he meant shaking hands! lol)

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