A Flagrant Disrespect for Democracy

Main Entry: in·teg·ri·ty
Pronunciation: \in-ˈte-grə-tē\

Function: noun Etymology: Middle English integrite, from Middle French & Latin; Middle French integrité, from Latin integritat-, integritas, from integr-, integer entire Date: 14th century

1 : firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values : incorruptibility
2 : an unimpaired condition : soundness
3 : the quality or state of being complete or undivided : completeness synonyms see honesty

I truly believe that all politicians or people in a position of trust and authority need to act with integrity. While the last part of the definition might make you chuckle, honesty IS something that we look for in our elected officials. Making empty promises is different that acting dis-honestly. But that is another conversation.

I think there should be a clause in the SFUO Constitution that states that each member of the Executive need to act with integrity throughout their term. This would not mean that they can't go out and get really drunk and have a good time. That would not violate the definition of integrity (incorruptibility, soundness, and completeness). What we must remember is the SFUO Executive are duly elected and paid for by us. They come to the student body and ask us to elect them to this very public position. They are not volunteers but employees. Should we not expect a level of professionalism from our own SFUO Executive?

The behaviour of the accused Executive members (and their supporters) was a few levels below immaturity. Intimidation, yelling, bullying, and grandstanding is not acting in a way which displays integrity. The four accused should be ashamed of themselves.

In the end the stall tactic will not be successful. What happened was after the gong-show began and the accused decided that they did not respect the authority of the SAC (which is the highest body of the SFUO by the way) was that the SAC was unable to continue due to the unruly behaviour of the accused supporters. The decision was made to defer the decision to continue to the BOA. But that would not end anything. Even if the BOA decides to find the SAC in violation, the appeal would still be active, just start at a new date. But what happens if the BOA rejects the appeal? The Mugabe-esque tactics of the accused should be held against them once this Arbitration does start.

On a good note, on my way out I passed Seamus Wolfe, and we made eye-contact and it looked like he expected me to say something positive, instead my words were, "Robert Mugabe couldn't have done it better." And kept walking.

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